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Health Coach

What is this program?

Mindful Medicine is excited to present our individualized online health coaching program. We believe wellness is a combination of all aspects of our lives, nutrition, sleep, stress, physical activity & community. We want to make our programs & services accessible to everyone regardless of distance, or a busy life.

Our program is for anyone who:


  • Feels their life is out of balance

  • Has a chronic disease and would like to manage it – make better lifestyle changes

  • Has risk factors from chronic disease and would like to prevent it

  • Has a family history of chronic disease

  • Wants to lose weight in a sustainable way

  • Is unable to attend in person

  • Has a busy life and does not have time to come in during business hours

Why do this program?


  • Create a lifestyle habit and make it sustainable

  • Staying healthy is better than being sick

  • Live longer with good health

  • Manage chronic disease

  • Lose weight without fad diets

  • Because you are sick of being sick

Who is it for?


4 Month Program:

Weekly appointments with health care provider

Mid weekly phone call follow ups, support and

access to email communication with team member


The following is a rough outline – the program will be tailored to your needs


1.      Initial assessment with Dr. Oza (90 minutes):  

  • Review of history

  • Make sure you’ve had your physical done by your doctor to exclude any treatable causes that may require medication

  • Measurements: WC, BP, WHR, BMI

  • Make sure baseline blood work is done & reviewed by FD

  • Stage of change form review

  • Goal setting review

  • Circle of life review

Dr. Oza will work on your plan of action for next appointment


2.      Review of action plan (15-30 minutes):

  • What do you think of the plan?

  • Is this doable for you?

  • Adjust and set up the rest of the program

3.      Dietitian assessment (60 minutes)


Dietitian will work on your plan of action before next appointment


4.      Exercise coach assessment (60 minutes)


Exercise Coach will work on your plan of action before next appointment


5.      Behaviour counselling with Dr. Oza (30 minutes)


6.      Dietitian counselling (30 minutes)


7.      Exercise coaching (45 minutes)


8.      Yoga therapy (30 minutes)

  • Breathing

  • Mindful Meditation

9.      Behavior counselling with Dr. Oza (30 minutes)


10.     Dietitian counselling (30 minutes)


11.     Exercise Coaching (45 minutes)


12.    Behavior counselling with Dr. Oza (30 minutes)


13.    Dietitian counselling (30 minutes)


14.    Exercise Coaching (45 minutes)


15.    Behaviour counselling with Dr. Oza (30 minutes)


16.    Exercise Coaching (45 minutes)


17.    Final session: Behaviour counselling and review overall plan with Dr. Oza (45 minutes)


Members may renew or extend program according to their choice

What we need

from you

  • Commitment

  • Weekly appointment scheduled (48 hour cancellation policy)

  • Must pay via debit, credit or paypal upfront

  • 48 hour grace period for email replies

  • Completion of tasks assigned between appointments 


Original cost:
$1000.00 CAD + HST

First 5 members:

$200.00 CAD
(including HST)


Next 45 members:

$400.00 CAD
(including HST)


Register Now

Thank you for registering for our Online Health Coaching program. A member of our team will contact you shortly.

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T: (647) 722-2370   F: (647) 490-6330

Appletree Medical Centre

1450 O'Connor Dr, Unit 20

Toronto, ON M4B 2T8

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